The network share is mounted on the webserver at /shared/www/.
#Phpstorm bad gateway code
Network share with source code Here is my setup: Nginx with PHP 5.5.9 (fpm, unix socket) Im trying to set up the debugging on a server but it wont work. Post navigation ← Solve the problem of from ICMP when the virtual machine can ping the gateway_ The problem of SEQ = 1 redirect network (New NextHop: 192.168.1. Zend Debuggernginx + php5-fpmPHPStorm502 Bad Gateway. This entry was posted in Error and tagged 502 Bad gateway, localhost:63342, PHPStorm on by adminah. Languages & Frameworks PHP language level:PHPCLI Interpreter.

#Phpstorm bad gateway install
Install PHP 7 and add it to your PATH or set the php.executablePath s

Phpstorm display localhost:63342 And 502 bad gateway solutions Knowledge map advanced must read: read how large-scale map data efficient storage and retrieval>